
Showing posts from September 3, 2015

Lime helps stop itch from mosquito and bug bite.

                                                                                         Lime  L ime helps stop itch from mosquito and bug bite, even skin irritation One day, in 2014 , w hile I used lime for cooking, I ha d used a left over lime that was a lready squeezed for cooking . I rubbed the lime on my arm many times on the itchy spot because it was itchy from a mosquito bite, i t also swe lled up and was red. After I rubbed the lime on the area that was itchy, I continued my cooking until i t was finished . So after I finished cooking and s a t down, I noticed that my arm wasn 't itchy any more . T he swelling and the redness also calmed down . B ut to make sure it was healed, I g o t up and went to the kitchen and cut another small piece of lime and rubbed one more time on my arm to make sure it kill ed all the germs on the infected area. So from that time on, I used the lime to rub o ff any irr i t ated skin from a bug bite or even