Handmade Soap For Eczema and Skin Rash

Handmade Soap Recipe (For dry, eczema and rash on face and body) Years ago I desired to make my own soap, because my son and my daughter has rash, or doctor said eczema, my daughter had just a few spot; on her both arms, one spot on her leg and one be high her neck, but my son have a lot and itchy a lot, he scratches a lot while he sleeping at night. I always bring them to the doctor, and the doctor gave them a medicine to take daily, and a cream to apply on their skin every day, but when the medicine all gone and stop using the cream, the rash is came back again, its torture for them and keep me busy all the time. So, one day I got a book “How to make soaps” from my mom she brought the book from Thailand in Thai language, and also my neighbor making soap for sale, I ordered oatmeal soap from her with no scent, the soap is good but is not good enough for my son and my daughter, and it not healing the their rash. So, I decided to make my own soap by mixing oatmeal wi...