
Showing posts from April 25, 2016

Toothache Pain Relief

                                                                                                                                     Toothache Homemade Remedy     This natural homemade toothache relief remedy , i t's helps stop tooth pain within a few hours after used, and helps rel ief gum swelling, gum infection, and might prevent teeth from breaking, cracking , and might help whiten teeth with continued use .  You will need only 2 things to make this toothache remedy:   - M akrut leave (Haffir lime leave)  - Sea salt. Ingredients:   2 - 3 oz. Kaffir lime leave (makrut leave), or about 3 to 4 hand full, more makrut leave, more effective to he al . 1 cup Sea salt (add more later if you feel it not salty enough), I think you maybe can substitute sea salt with Himalaya salt. I heard Himalaya salt is the best salt too.    6- 8 cups of water This will last you for about 7 – 9 days. If water become less or dry out , then you can a