Thai Temple in Griffin, GA.
On Sunday, June 20, 2010
Me and my children, we went to Wat Phramahajanaka (Thai Temple in Griffin GA.), planning to go and do meditation at the temple on that day, but when we got there, the monk did not teach people to do meditation on that day, but the monk and all the other people helping the monk building big benches to use for meditation, or can use for a camp when some people come to the temple to have 8 precept at the temple for 3 days, 5 days, or 7 day.
My daughter and my son on the left, my daughter she turned her face away from the camera.
This is what the temple needed for the monk them self and for the monks visitor, and also for people to use for meditation, if people have to stay over night, because they want to do eight precepts at the temple, then they can set up a tent over that big bench. The monk planned to build 45 of these big bench.
At first the monk want to hire a company to build these big bench, but the company will charge $1000.00 for each bench. So the monk asked people who can have time to help build these big bench for the temple, so a lot of people happy and volunteer to help, because this is a good time, or a chance for them to make more good deed and build to their life. We all have fun on that day, even it so hot.
So if you want to donate the money to the temple for the monk to use the money to buy concrete mix to build these big bench, you can send any amount of your money $1, $2 or $5 for one concrete mix bag with your check to the address below, and the monk will also need money to build a road in the temple area too, or you can go to the temple and donate money to the monk for yourself, you are welcome to do that too.
ดูแล แก้ไข พัฒนา โดย
บ้านพลังเพียร เมืองกริฟฟิน รัฐจอร์เจีย สหรัฐอเมริกา
This is the temple address:
Wat Phramahajanaka
498 Steele Road. Griffin Georgia 30223-6374 U.S.A.
Tel.(678) 692-8384,(404) 717-5104

These are some of the materials that temple need to build the big benches.
People separate the responsibility to do a job.
My daughter turning her face away from the camera again when I taking a picture, my son in a white shirt and another son in a pink shirt, that's my little girl on the right hand side helping too :), and that lady she and her son helping a lot for the temple, she even hiring her 18 years old son on his day off to come help the monk build the bench at the temple.
This is some parts of the road in the temple area.
The monk also helping, he done a lot.
Working hard, satu satu satu.
Every body working hard :)
Rest time and waiting when they will need help again.
Me and my children, we went to Wat Phramahajanaka (Thai Temple in Griffin GA.), planning to go and do meditation at the temple on that day, but when we got there, the monk did not teach people to do meditation on that day, but the monk and all the other people helping the monk building big benches to use for meditation, or can use for a camp when some people come to the temple to have 8 precept at the temple for 3 days, 5 days, or 7 day.
My daughter and my son on the left, my daughter she turned her face away from the camera.
This is what the temple needed for the monk them self and for the monks visitor, and also for people to use for meditation, if people have to stay over night, because they want to do eight precepts at the temple, then they can set up a tent over that big bench. The monk planned to build 45 of these big bench.
At first the monk want to hire a company to build these big bench, but the company will charge $1000.00 for each bench. So the monk asked people who can have time to help build these big bench for the temple, so a lot of people happy and volunteer to help, because this is a good time, or a chance for them to make more good deed and build to their life. We all have fun on that day, even it so hot.
So if you want to donate the money to the temple for the monk to use the money to buy concrete mix to build these big bench, you can send any amount of your money $1, $2 or $5 for one concrete mix bag with your check to the address below, and the monk will also need money to build a road in the temple area too, or you can go to the temple and donate money to the monk for yourself, you are welcome to do that too.
ดูแล แก้ไข พัฒนา โดย
บ้านพลังเพียร เมืองกริฟฟิน รัฐจอร์เจีย สหรัฐอเมริกา
This is the temple address:
Wat Phramahajanaka
498 Steele Road. Griffin Georgia 30223-6374 U.S.A.
Tel.(678) 692-8384,(404) 717-5104
These are some of the materials that temple need to build the big benches.
People separate the responsibility to do a job.
My daughter turning her face away from the camera again when I taking a picture, my son in a white shirt and another son in a pink shirt, that's my little girl on the right hand side helping too :), and that lady she and her son helping a lot for the temple, she even hiring her 18 years old son on his day off to come help the monk build the bench at the temple.
This is some parts of the road in the temple area.
The monk also helping, he done a lot.
Working hard, satu satu satu.
Rest time and waiting when they will need help again.