Basic Face Mask
Basic face mask
I believe that everyone both men and women are want to look great, beautiful, and handsome, and want to look young too. I have some tip that can make you look great and young, but not forever, just for temporary, and I don’t think something in this world will help people stay young and beautiful forever.
If you are really care about your face and want to look great, beautiful, and young with less wrinkles, then try these easy natural face masks that you can do it yourself at home, and this is good for people whose cannot support to go to spa like riches people. I never go to spa place either.
But these home spa-basic face mask will give you a temporary younger looking skin, so if you want to look great and beautiful every day, then you have to take good care of your skin with natural vitamins from fruits and vegetables at least 2 or 3 times a week or you can do it every day for at least 20-30 minutes, at the end of the day after you are tired from work and anything else, not me (I'm too lazy to take care of myself), but I do it sometime, when I feel, I'm look old or ugly.
For Normal to oily skin
1. Yogurt: You can use yogurt alone to apply on your face, then let it dry, after yogurt dry, then you can peel it off, or washes with warm water, then follow with cold water. You can use yogurt to blend in the blender with other natural foods like;
- honey, lime, lemon, kiwi, and tomato, and apply on your face.
*** Blended oatmeal with yogurt is a good face scrub or body scrub for any types of skin, especially dry and sensitive skin.
2. White egg: separate white egg from egg yolk then apply white egg all over your face, and wait till it dry and wash it off with warm water and follow with cold water then dry with tower.
3. Honey: I remember like to apply honey on my face on the time that I’m still young. I applied honey on my face because they said honey help to kill bacteria, that will cause acne on our face.
4. Cucumber: Cucumber is good to eat, but also good to use as an eye pads to help soothe and refresh tired eyes, cucumber also can use as a face mask for a brighter face and to refresh your skin.
You can use cucumber alone by slice a very thin slices and put cucumber cover all over your face for about 30 - 45 minutes to allow your skin to absorb the vitamins from cucumber to your face skin.
You can also blend cucumber with other type of fruits and vegetables like example below;
*~* Kiwi
*~* You can blend it with honey
*~* Blend with yogurt
*~* Blend with carrot
*`* Blend it with tomato
*~* Lime or lemon juice
*** So, you can blend with any type of fruits, vegetable and/or other natural foods that you think is good for your skin type, and then apply on your face and neck then let the mask stay on your face for about 20 – 45 minutes, or until it getting dry before you wash it off with warm water no soap or any kind of face wash that have chemical that will ruin your skin.
5. Avocado: Use ripe avocado, mashed then apply on your face for about 30 – 45 minutes then wash it off with warm water and follow with cold water.
6. Papaya: Use ripe papaya and mashed to apply on your face for bright and softer skin.~***~ If you have acne and blemish, try this recipe (I never try it yet)
Blend kiwi with honey and apply it on your face or body for about 30 -45 minutes then wash it off.
Note *** The fruit that you should not use alone on your face are kiwi, tomato, and orange, because these three (3) fruits are high in vitamin C, your face will look bright only when you are inside the house, but if you are going out in the sun, your face will turn black and ugly, I already has that experience.
For Normal to Dry skin
~ Banana: banana is good for dry and sensitive skin, you can slice a thin layer or mashed banana and put on your face or you can blend it with other nature food.
~*~ Oatmeal is good for dry, sensitive, and itchy skin, if you use oat meal, make sure you grinded a little bit and have to cook oatmeal first by pour hot water over the oatmeal in the bowl and let it warm, you don’t need the oatmeal to well-done cooking like we are eating, just make it a little softer.
~*~ Honey is good for cleaning and killing bacteria on the skin.
~*~ Goat milk
~*~ Soy milk
~*~ Cucumber
~*~ Carrot
~*~ Yogurt